Terms of Service

Welcome to join Jav18無料潮吹A片線上看 member! In order to protect your rights, please read all the following content before becoming an Jav18無料潮吹A片線上看 member.:

Member Information
1.Before you become an Jav18無料潮吹A片線上看 member, you must login and enter your personal profile.Please fill in correct information.If we find the incorrect information, Jav18無料潮吹A片線上看 can suspend or terminate your membership.
2.If you want to change the member information,please make sure to go to the [service center] to correct your membership information.If no information maintenance or correction, members themselves are responsible for the loss.
3.In order to protect your rights, please keep your account and password safely.Do not disclose or provide to a third person to know,or lend to others.If there is any risk of loss, you should go to the [service center] immediately for modification, not to damage your own rights.
Member Rights
1.After joining the Jav18無料潮吹A片線上看 members and having e-mail verification, you don't need to pay to watch our free videos.
2.Deposit a 30 dyas fee to watch the videos of entire website. After the expiration of the watching period, if you want to continue to watch videos, you need to pay this fee again.
Copyright Notice
1.All contents of this website, including trademarks, design, text, images, audio, video and all copyright are owned by Jav18無料潮吹A片線上看 website.Any person who reproduces, copies or transmits in any form without the written consent of Jav18無料潮吹A片線上看, will be regarded as infringing Jav18無料潮吹A片線上看 intellectual property rights. According to the law ,Jav18無料潮吹A片線上看 can seek compensation.
2.Jav18無料潮吹A片線上看 website does not fully review the content of the external URL linked to our website.We don't have any responsibility for the content of such foreign links.Users are responsible for the use of risk.
※Jav18無料潮吹A片線上看 has the right to modify the terms of service.Revised terms of service will be posted on the Jav18無料潮吹A片線上看 website.We no longer inform the user individually.